What can be learned from Vauxhall’s Zafira recall?
7th November 2016

3958%2f267f3b78-c1b6-9276-5ec4-125ca50e25e7Having worked in Vauxhall’s PR team in the past, I naturally tuned in to chairman and managing director, Rory Harvey’s, video on the company’s decision to recall 220,000 Zafiras because of fires in the heating and ventilation system. It says something about the typical board-level attitude towards corporate communications that we don’t see more refreshing and simple approaches in times of trouble.

What Vauxhall got right:

Control: With its video, Vauxhall defined and controlled the story to the media and public simultaneously, in a complete way that didn’t leave much room for reporting shenanigans. Google this and you will see that the primary focus of the headlines is Vauxhall’s delivery of the announcement, which somewhat softens the blow of cars catching fire.