Chinese mining and infrastructure company reports excellent productivity, lower operating costs and an increased driver pool at open coal mining sites, following order of 101 Tonly wide body mining dump (WBMD) trucks equipped with Allison 4800 Off-Road Series™(ORS) fully automatic transmissions  BEIJING, October 2021 – Heishan Fleet (Xinjiang Tiantuo Jiye Mechanic Engineering Co.,Ltd.), a renowned mining and infrastructure […]

BEIJING – Sany Heavy Industries’ new all-terrain SAC600E crane, equipped with Allison’s 4500 Specialty Series™ fully automatic transmission, has been specified by Ningxia San He Cheng Lifting Transport Co., Ltd, a Chinese power construction company. In its first few months of operation, installing pylons for the ‘Three Gorges Wulanchabu new generation grid-friendly green power station […]